Author Archives: admin

Residential Standby Generator Installation – Do you really need one??

When the super storm Sandy hit in 2012 residential standby generator installation numbers increased tenfold. The North East coast was slammed with power outages, homes were lost and damaged, many people didn’t know where to turn. The storm left dozens dead, thousands homeless and millions without power. Total damage was expected to be in the

How to install an electrical panel – Safely and up to NEC code.

Are you remodeling your house?? Do you have an old electrical panel?? Are you looking to add more circuits to your existing panel and there’s no space left?? You may need a new electrical panel. In many states homeowners are able to do electrical work on their own single family owner occupied dwelling. Many homeowners

About Lyric Electric

Welcome and thank you for visiting our site hopefully what brings you here will keep you here. Our company is committed to supplying excellent service that customers will come to know and love. Safety Service and Innovation we are the 3 principles we live by at Lyric Electric. Creating a name that can be trusted